Kate Krueger

Director of Honors / Professor of Literature
Department(s) / Center(s)

Honors Programs , Arts, Culture and Technology Department

Kate  Krueger Headshot


Dr. Kate Krueger is the Director of the Honors Program and a Professor of Literature. Originally from Minnesota, she retains that distinctive accent. She received her MA and PhD in English from the University of Iowa, and has two decades of experience in Literature, Women and Gender Studies, Service Learning and Community Engagement, and Honors. As Director, she oversees all aspects of the program from curriculum development to advising to service, and she also advises and teaches a variety of courses in Honors. She spends her free time running, reading, exploring state parks, visiting museums, and seeking out the best local pastries with her husband and son Theo.


Email: kkrueger@ashtech-oem.com

Office Phone Number: 315/268-6531

Office Location: 2205 Price Hall

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5755